Call for Associates
EUSAAR opens its first and continuous call for Associates to achieve its objectives- of developing and promoting the standardised measurement of atmospheric aerosol
properties across the European ground-based research stations, of producing
high quality aerosol data bases, and ensuring the intercomparability of observations
and quality assurance,
- of contributing to a sustainable and reliable operational service in support of policy issues on air quality, long-range transport of pollutants and climate change.
Associates are expected to contribute their expertise towards the goals and activities of EUSAAR. At the same time, they will benefit from a set of activities that EUSAAR will undertake within its networking, joint research and transnational access activities such as training of researchers, access to facilities, workshops, web-based information, dissemination of information, etc.
Associates will have to to cover the costs of research and participation in EUSAAR activities themselves. However, where the contribution of associates is seen to be essential for the implementation of the EUSAAR programme, some support may be available through the EUSAAR coordinator or activity leaders.
EUSAAR Associates may also be eligible to become a member of the EUSAAR Advisory Board. In this case the expenses incurred by the Associates to carry out the Advisory Board functions will be covered by the EUSAAR coordinator.
Relevant institutions wishing to associate with EUSAAR are invited to submit a proposal.
How to apply
Applicants should submit an application form. Associates may contribute to either of five networking activities, three joint research activities or transnational access activities. More information about the different project activities is available on the EUSAAR website.
An institution wishing to associate with several EUSAAR activities may use one single proposal. Please make sure to link the description of proposed scientific activities in the proposal to each EUSAAR activity the association is requested for.
The admission of an institution as EUSAAR Associate is at the sole discretion of the EUSAAR General Assembly upon proposal of the Scientific Steering Committee.
Upon acceptance of the proposal(s), the EUSAAR Associate will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement (Non-disclosure Agreement). An associate joins EUSAAR by signing an associate accession form (Association Agreement).
Associates will be required to report annually to the appropriate activity leader on results obtained within EUSAAR-related activities.

The completed application form should be submitted to Sabine Philippin ([email protected])