The major goal of EUSAAR, through its 6 networking activities (NA), is to provide easy access
to high quality data bases and promote standardised measurement protocols, intercomparability
of observations and quality assurance common to all research sites.
The networking activities will be complemented by 3 joint research activities (JRA) aimed at developing future tools for aerosol monitoring and dissemination of information. These developments can only be achieved through transnational coordinated research projects sharing experience, know-how and human capital, as offered by the proposed infrastructure. Each one of the JRAs will support and improve the implementation of one or more of the networking activities.
The objectives of the 11 transnational access activities (TNA) are to promote scientific excellence ("mobility of experts") and access of research scientists, in particular inexperienced users, to the high quality EUSAAR infrastructures (supersites). Scientific users refer to engineers or scientists who need the support of an advanced research station to conduct research in environmental sciences such as atmospheric dynamics, cloud microphysics, atmospheric chemistry, climate studies, remote sensing atmosphere, atmospheric radiative transfer.
The networking activities will be complemented by 3 joint research activities (JRA) aimed at developing future tools for aerosol monitoring and dissemination of information. These developments can only be achieved through transnational coordinated research projects sharing experience, know-how and human capital, as offered by the proposed infrastructure. Each one of the JRAs will support and improve the implementation of one or more of the networking activities.
The objectives of the 11 transnational access activities (TNA) are to promote scientific excellence ("mobility of experts") and access of research scientists, in particular inexperienced users, to the high quality EUSAAR infrastructures (supersites). Scientific users refer to engineers or scientists who need the support of an advanced research station to conduct research in environmental sciences such as atmospheric dynamics, cloud microphysics, atmospheric chemistry, climate studies, remote sensing atmosphere, atmospheric radiative transfer.