0Summary0 0Objectives0 0Structure0 0Partners0 0Infrastructures0 0Associates0

Second NA3-Calibration and Intercomparison Workshop for Particle Counters and Mobility Size Spectrometers

From: 2 March 2008
To: 11 March 2008
Place: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT), Leizpig, Germany

The 2nd CPC-S/DMPS calibration and intercomparison workshop will be organized as follows:

  1. Calibration of the newly constructed SMPS systems (Feb 25-29)
  2. 1-day CPC training course for inexperienced participants
  3. CPC calibration
  4. Spectrometer calibration

All participants will have to arrange the instrument transport on their own. Note that the instruments must arrive at IFT no later than February 29.

Note that all participating EUSAAR spectrometers need to accomplish the EUSAAR recommendations (available for download on the EUSAAR intranet).

All workshop participants must bring their own PC / laptop as no computers are available at IfT.

At least one person from the stations receiving a new SMPS system (BEO, FKL, MSY, OBK, PLA) should attend the calibration of their instrument preceding the actual workshop on February 25-29.

Accommodation will be arranged by IFT.

Please contact Alfred Wiedensohler ([email protected]) by email

  • to confirm your participation
  • to indicate your interest in the 1-day CPC training course (for inexperienced participants only)
  • to communicate your arrival and departure date (in order to arrange accommodation).

A workshop programme will be available soon.

Click on the link for access to IfT.

For remaining questions or other information please contact Alfred Wiedensohler.