0Summary0 0Objectives0 0Structure0 0Partners0 0Infrastructures0 0Associates0

Third EUSAAR Networking-Joint Research Activity Meeting

From: 20 October 2008 (08:30)
To: 22 October 2008 (19:00) (Networking Meeting)
24 October 2008 (16:00) (for EUSAAR SSC)
Place: Lund University, Sweden

The 3rd annual Networking meeting will focus on presenting and discussing the results of the recent intercalibration workshops, the progress of the infrastructures (instrumental improvements and procedures, implementation of modifications), status of continuous measurements, and data submission to EUSAAR database.

Following the Networking meeting, Oct 23+24 will be destined to prepare and hold the Mid-term Review (MTR) meeting for which the presence of the Steering Committee members is expected. The MTR is aimed at evaluating the fulfilment of the workprogramme and objectives of the first half of the project and its overall impact on the community. The Commission will be assisted by an independent external expert.

Registration:  For participation, an on-line registration is mandatory.

Please note that participants who are neither EUSAAR Partner nor Associate are required to complete a separate application form. External participants are furthermore expected to support the project by becoming associated with EUSAAR before attending the meeting. Details concerning the EUSAAR Association are available here.
Venue:  The workshop will be held at the Ingvar Kamprad Design Center (IKDC), located on Lund University Campus (click on the map here), Sölvegatan 26, Lund, phone: +46 46-222 39 42. The main meeting will take place in the main lecture Hall ("Stora Hörsalen") on the bottom floor (same floor as entrance and reception).
Local Contact:  Prof. Erik Swietlicki, Division of Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics, Lund University, Box 11, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden, Tel: +46-(0)46-2229680, Fax: +46-(0)46-2224431, E-mail: [email protected].
Programme:  The workshop programme is as follows:
(click on image to expand)

  • Progress in artifact-free sampling train development and testing.
  • Activities linked to the promotion of the EUSAAR protocol as a reference method for OC/EC analyses.
  • Results of the 2nd EUSAAR OC/EC/TC intercomparison.
  • OC/EC data submission.
  • Results of 2nd spectrometer workshop
  • Further modification of spectrometers towards smaller sizes
  • Status of modified systems
  • Preparation of scientific publication based on workshop results
  • Recommendations of data quality and structure for long-term measurement

  • Results/analysis of nephelometer, absorption and sun photometer workshops.
  • Preparation of scientific publication on nephelometer and absorption photometer intercomparison results.
  • Preparation of 2nd absorption photometer intercomparison.
  • Traveling standards (SP, MAAP, Neph)

NA5 + JRA3:
  • Data submission procedures, incl. description of data, data levels and formats, general submission procedures and deadlines.
  • EUSAAR database: presentation of the web interface, JRA3 login and data system, detailed explanation of the underlaying system.
  • EUSAAR and its relation to other database systems (e.g., GEOmon).
  • "How to upload data?". Training session on data submission.

  • Inlets and humidity control for aerosol sampling: achievements to date and next steps and further technical improvements.
  • First results from the Melpitz and Cabauw campaigns (spring 2008) of continuous measurements with the newly developed Max-DOAS instrumentation.

You will have to be logged in to the EUSAAR intranet to access the MTR agenda.

Please contact Prof. Dr. Gerrit de Leeuw.
Accommodation:  The following hotels are (partially) block-reserved, please confirm for booking:

1) Hotel Djingis Khan
Margaretavägen 7, 222 40 Lund, Tel: +46 (0)46 33 36 00, Fax: +46 (0)46 33 36 10.
The rate is 1144 SEK p.P. for a single room and 1435 SEK for a suite (2 persons and small kitchen). Both rates include breakfast + VAT. Please indicate the booking reference "EUSAAR". The deadline for reservation is September 19, 2008.

2) Lilla Hotellet
Bankgatan 7, 223 52 Lund, Tel: +46 (0)46 32 88 88, Fax: +46 (0)46 38 58 68, E-mail: [email protected]. Prices are (all rooms incl. breakfast and VAT) 1280 SEK for a single room, 1380 SEK for a grand lit, 1480 SEK for a double room. Please include booking reference "EUSAAR". Note that there is no formal deadline as the rooms are not kept for EUSAAR.

3) Hotel Ideon (50m from the meeting venue)
Sölvegatan 28, 223 70 Lund, Tel: +46-46-211 79 00, Fax: +46-15 70 66 E-mail: [email protected]. Price per night is 1100 SEK (incl. breakfast and VAT). Please include booking reference "EUSAAR". Note that only very few rooms are available.

4) University Hospital Patient Hotel
Patienthotellet (reception, you will stay at ”Anhörighotellet”, 10 min walk from the meeting venue). Getingevägen 4, 221 85 Lund (reception located at Entrégatan 5), Tel: +46-46-17 86 00, Email: [email protected]. Price for a single room is 392 SEK (breakfast is extra). Please include booking reference "EUSAAR". Note that there is no formal deadline as the rooms are not kept for EUSAAR. Lund University has an agreement with this hotel which is normally intended for patients at the University hospital and relatives.
Travel Info:  The closest international airport to Lund is Copenhagen airport (Kastrup) in Denmark. Take the train directly from the airport (Platform 1) to Lund (45-60 min). You might have to change at Malmö Central Station. Get off at the central station in Lund. Click on Travel to Lund for more information (incl. time tables and journey planner).

Upon arrival at the central station in Lund, make your way to "Clemenstorget" on the north-eastern side of the station. The bus stop is marked "Lundalänken" (the Lund link). From there you can take the yellow regional buses, 166 to Södra Sandby or 169 to Malmö, or the local green buses, 20 or 21 (to Brunnshög). Get off at the IDEON bus stop, which is about 20 m past the meeting venue (IKDC).
Lund Info:  Google map of Lund

Map of Lund University campus

Driving directions to IKDC (venue)